April 5, 2010

guest blogger: easter dress edition

Posted in mousie at 8:56 am by Anonymouse

My Mama wanted me to post for her today because she says she “has no words” to talk about my Easter pictures.  I kind of stopped listening after that part, but she said something about not cooperating for pictures – whatever that means – and that tulle and car seats don’t mix.  I like to use my tools on my car seat.  My Mama clearly doesn’t know what she was talking about.  Crazy Mama.

Here I am in my Easter dress.  It is very poofy.  I’m holding my shoe, wearing my shades and not smiling because that’s how I roll.

I’m smiling here, but it’s okay because A: it’s kind of a sinister smile and B: I made sure to get my cup in the picture.

Uh, Mama?  Did you need something?

Can you please stop saying my name and asking me to say “cheese”?  I just had breakfast, I don’t want any cheese.

Silly, crazy, Mama.


  1. Kelly said,

    Such a pretty Easter dress! Baby Swiss you are beautiful, as always!

  2. HereWeGoAJen said,

    Baby Swiss, your Easter dress is lovely and you make it look good! Tell your Mama that at least you have your face in the pictures. I always end up with dozens of pictures of the back of Elizabeth’s head.

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