October 15, 2009

i was not paid to do this

Posted in mousie at 5:10 am by Anonymouse

Oh my goodness.  I just have to tell you about this.  I won a Custom Board Book in an online giveaway that I entered and it just arrived in the mail.  You choose 12 photos and your own story/captions and they will make you a customized board book.

We chose “Who Loves Baby Swiss” as our title and then included pictures of her birth parents, grandparents, aunts, uncle, cousins and us with her as the pages with the corresponding captions (Mama loves Daphne, Nana loves Daphne, etc.).  I read it to her as soon as we got it and I kid you not, she was grinning the entire time and she is normally not into reading books.  She loved seeing the baby in the pictures and I think it will be a great way for her to learn to know her extended family.

I highly recommend these books!  With 12 pages, you could do one a year for your child and include a photo from each month.  You could document a holiday or special trip.  The possibilities are endless.  AND, it’s a board book, so it is sturdy and tough(er) for babies and toddlers to destroy.

I think I will take Heather’s suggestion and wrap it up for a birthday present.  I think the family and friends at her birthday party will be excited to see it too.

Here are a couple of pictures.  I don’t have my camera, so these were taken with my phone.  Forgive the poor quality.


This is the front cover.


And this is an example of what the pages look like.

love. Love. LOVE it!


  1. Kelly said,

    That is so cute! My sister made a book for Mea when she first came home to us, that was soft (I think it was from Target), and put pictures of the whole immediate family in it. Even now at 3, Mea just loves this book. But your board book would have been so much sturdier. She figured out pretty quickly how to pull the photo’s out, and mangled some of them. This would be great for our family that lives far away too. We have a baby boom in NY, that is hard to see with the distance….

  2. HereWeGoAJen said,

    Ack! That is SO cute! I want one! My sister made a sweet beautiful book for Elizabeth when she was born and I love it, but a BOARD BOOK! Dude.

  3. Heather said,

    How funny–we ordered my daughter’s love book from that same website in February. 🙂

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