October 6, 2010

things that are wrong with me: still take one

Posted in mousie at 8:26 pm by Anonymouse

Today, while Baby Swiss watched Sesame Street and Abby’s Flying Fairy School – which, if you ask her, is definitely not a part of Sesame Street – I made chocolate chip cookies and chicken parmesan.

Well, it took more than an hour, but you get the idea.

I made the cookies because they are Mr. Mouse’s favorite and he puts up with a lot, so every once in awhile I like to make him cookies to remind him to stick around for another 60 or so years.

I also like to eat the raw dough out of the mixing bowl.

It’s therapeutic.

And  I’m an emotional eater.

And it was a bad day.

It’s actually still a bad day.

But that’s beside the point.

So, lets review.

Sesame Street.  Cookies.  Bribery.  Chubby.  Go.

Now, onto the chicken parmesan.

I made it for my family, and…


…for a family with a new baby.

I. Know.

I’ll just go ahead and confess that I’m making roll-out sugar cookies for my dad for his birthday, a lemon pound cake for mom’s group next week and a meal for another new baby’s family next Wednesday.

If you’re looking for me, I’ll be in my kitchen.


  1. addy1013 said,

    you are crazy, woman. but. your house will be HUGE in heaven. 🙂

  2. Kelly said,

    Hopefully, everyone will kindly remember all these meals, snacks and sweets you have lovingly made while making yourself crazy, when the wee Pipsqueak comes home in a few weeks… 🙂

    and maybe after that you should learn the meaning of the word “NO” sometimes. Not all the time, just sometimes. 🙂

  3. HereWeGoAJen said,

    I agree with Baby Swiss. This Abby person is certainly not a part of Sesame Street that I remember. I don’t know about this Elmo that everyone finds so popular either.

  4. Mr. Mouse said,

    Plus, where is Big Bird, Oscar, and the others? Why is Bert and Ernie in claymation? Just wrong.

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